I’ve suffered through enough diets to have a small idea of what hunger feels like.
Many people don’t have a choice. One out of eight Coloradoans live with hunger every day and don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Forty-two percent are children under 18 years old.
A handful of Mile High Mamas and their kids learned these sobering statistics as we toured the 106,000-square foot Food Bank of the Rockies. The food bank services a staggering 1,100 agencies that include local food pantries, churches, and Boys and Girls Clubs in Northern Colorado and the entire state of Wyoming.
That is a whole lot of hunger…and need.
But there was also a lot of hope. The Food Bank of the Rockies has enough volunteers to equal 50 full-time staff members. Their programs like Kids Cafe (children receive dinner five nights/week), After School Snacks for Tutoring, and Totes of Hope™(kids receive 8-9 pounds of nutritious food to take home over the weekend) are making a difference but they need our help.
The Food Bank of the Rockies’ PR Manager Gwen Vogelzang emphasized that while food donations are critical (they are particularly in need of protein items like peanut butter, meats, veggies, etc.) our monetary donations go a long way. Case in point:
If we went to the store, this is how far our $5 would go.
Whereas by donating $5 in cash to the Food Bank of the Rockies, this is what that money can buy.
This loaves-and-fishes scenario is made possible by their partner Feeding America who secures healthy food at discounted rates from local manufacturers, retailers, farmers and government sources.
ConAgra Foods (who sponsored our tour) is another organization that is putting a dent in fighting child hunger. Through May 31, consumers can purchase select ConAgra Foods brands and, when they enter their code online, the company will donate one meal to Feeding America – up to 2.5 million meals this during the time period to our local food banks. Visit www.childhungerendshere.com and enter the eight-digit purchase code found on specially-marked packages. Participating brands include: Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Fresh Mixers, Kid Cuisine, Marie Callender’s and Peter Pan.
Our Mile High Kids got in on the action by donating food they collected from friends, neighbors and even their classmates.
To find out other ways you can help, please check out Food Bank of the Rockies’ donation page. Remember: Even with just a $1 donation, Food Bank of the Rockies can provide four meals or 5 pounds of food.
Stay apprised on fighting child hunger by “liking” them on Facebook at facebook.com/FoodBankRockies and facebook.com/ConAgraFoods. On Twitter: @foodbankrockies and @conagra.
THANK YOU so much for coming out on your Saturdays! It’s hard to grasp the reality of what we do without seeing it firsthand… I enjoyed showing all your kiddos what we do and how do it! We really appreciate all of you taking time and interest in learning more about hunger in our community. Thanks for the article, tweets and facebook posts:)
Gwen at Food Bank of the Rockies
Amber Johnson
Thanks, Gwen. It was awesome to see all the incredible work you are doing. Here’s to helping make a difference!
Sorry that I missed it. Catching up from vacation plus back to back soccer and baseball games = completely slipped my mind. I have a ton of food set aside though, so will get it donated this week.
Lori Lavender Luz
The math of giving is really interesting. The buying power of the Food Bank really multiplies a little bit of cash.
Looks like a good lesson for the kiddos, too.
Great job helping out!
I’m so sorry I missed it. I was miserably sick and was looking forward to learning and participating. Will get my donation in this week. What an amazing organization.
Jacy Montoya Price
Thank you for bringing attention to this essential issue. Since hunger affects all aspects of a child’s life – including health, development, educational attainment and more – ensuring that our kids have enough to eat is crucial.
The 2011 KIDS COUNT data shows that the number of kids living in household that are food insecure grew 61 percent from 2001-2003 to 2006-2008. The percentage of kids who are at risk of hunger in Colorado is now higher than the national rate. Colorado kids desperately need the services of the Food Bank of the Rockies and the visibilty created by Mile High Mamas.
What a great opportunity this was to learn about all the programs and how the Food Bank operates. I had no idea they could use cash and make it go further or that 42% of those affected are CHILDREN! Wow! Thanks for making this happen and for including the kids. #childhungerendshere!
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So impressed with the work the Food Bank of the Rockies is doing, thanks for the tour and the lessons for us all!
Amber Johnson
Thanks, everyone. Jacy–those statistics are so sad. 🙁
Thank you for the tour and the chance to help publicize this campaign. Here is my post. http://bodhibear.net/2011/05/food-bank-of-the-rockies/
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