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Children’s Museum All About Animals Month – Win 4 Tickets!

The Children’s Museum struts, waddles, flaps, and soars into the month of March with new theme—All About Animals.

It’s nearly impossible to find a toddler or preschooler who doesn’t appreciate furry and feathery friends. I took my two youngest children to explore some of the animal-themed activities knowing none of us would leave disappointed. One of the first activities we joined was ARTS a la Carte’s Birds of a Feather. My 3-year-old, Beatrix, would get to hear a story and then make her very own bird with all sorts of cool, colorful art supplies.

We were warmly welcomed into the art room. Beatrix was given a large piece of paper and a pencil. The room quickly filled with kids and parents, eager to get crafty. Dana, the activity leader, read Sylvie, by Jennifer Sattler. It’s a book about a flamingo who tries being different colors but decides pink is pretty in the end.

The story served as creative inspiration for the kids, who were turned loose to make their own simple flamingos. It was easy for Beatrix’s little hands to glue and paste the paper parts together. She had a blast decorating her flamingo with crayon, feathers, and puffy balls.

Admit it. You want to make one too. Who can resist puffy balls and feathers?

I was a little worried the program would be too long to hold her attention, but it was perfectly timed and well-paced. If flamingos aren’t your child’s favorite bird, Birds of a Feather will be featuring other beaked friends to learn about, including peacocks and hummingbirds. When you attend, you should be aware you will have a new treasure to conspicuously hang in your home. Perhaps over your sofa? Your child will be seriously impressed with herself.

She may even want to sleep with her picture next to her in bed.

All About Animals will be the theme for the whole month of March. Fur, feathers and scales will be in style as we feature the world’s animal kingdom. Learn what we have in common with these amazing creatures and what makes us different.

Here is the schedule:

Facilitated ARTS a la Carte
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.

Birds of a Feather

Penguins, peacocks and pelicans galore. Some birds swim and some birds soar. Join the gaggles of geese and pairs of parrots as they team up with many other feathered friends. We’ll combine beaks, talons, wings, and more to ensure each new bird is wackier than the next! This program promotes fine motor skills, arts, science and literacy.

Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.
Jungle Safari

It’s a jungle out there! Join us on a special safari where we’ll make binoculars, explore the jungle and identify exotic animals. This program promotes large and fine motor skills, speech, arts, math and literacy.

Make Believe Matinee
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.
Shadow Safari

We are turning the theater into a giant shadow screen so we can practice the ancient art of shadow puppetry. Come make your very own shadow animal puppet to roam the silver screen. This program promotes gross and fine motor skills, and arts.

Super Science Sunday
Sundays at 3:00 p.m.
Worm World

This month we’re digging in the dirt to meet some wiggly and wonderful worms! The worm is one of nature’s top soil scientists, helping to increase the amount of air and water that gets into the soil. Join us to learn all about these composting creatures! This program promotes fine motor skills, scientific thinking and environmental awareness.

Bubble Brigade
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Bubble Lava

Get a little groovy with us! We are making homemade lava lamps with bubbles of water in oil. This program promotes science, logic and math skills.

Mile High Mamas is giving away four tickets for the Children’s Museum at Denver to check out Fairytale & Fable month and their many other exhibits!! Please go here to enter.

Stay tuned for next month’s program: Highlights in April include Bunny Trail EggVenture and Planet Earth Month!

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Author: gretchen

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