When I told my husband that I’d been invited to try a new exercise routine at a new studio in Boulder, he was supportive. “It’s called The Bar Method, and I signed up for a Saturday morning class…so I’ll need you to watch Claire,” I said.
He got a funny look on his face and started laughing.
“Isn’t it a little early to start drinking?” he asked.
His question made me laugh out loud. “Oh! No! It’s not a BAR. It’s the bar METHOD…like with a bar ballet dancers use,” I said.
He asked me what all was involved, besides using heavier Margarita glasses, and I laughed again. I told him I had no idea, but that I was excited to find out.
Back in March, I’d started a new exercise routine called The 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels and had great results. (You can click here to read all about my adventures in going from an exercise-less slug to someone who actually discovered abs under her flab.) I’ve kept up the routine, but I’m always on the lookout to find something new to add to the mix. When I was offered a chance to try this class for free, I jumped at it.
I looked online at the different class offerings, and there were a variety of dates and times available. My challenge was finding a time when my husband could watch Claire (our 3-year old) long enough for me to make my escape. I found a class that would work in both our schedules, and it was really easy to sign up online. I couldn’t wait to get up to Boulder to try it out. Saturday rolled around, and I was ready to go!
I put on my appropriate clothing.
The challenge for those of us who work out in the privacy of our own basements is finding an outfit that won’t scare the other members in the class. Always one to plan all the logistics before I go, I was happy to see they had a FAQ page on the website, which told me what to wear to the class: Be sure to wear socks and pants that cover your knees. Luckily, I had an outfit that worked!
The studio was super-easy to find.
It is located in Boulder at 2425 Canyon Blvd at Folsom in the WaterStreet Plaza, and there was plenty of free parking.
It was easy to get signed in, and Leslie, the instructor, made me feel welcome.
I immediately felt at ease with her. The Bar Method provides lockers (and a cute little board for hanging the provided locker-keys in the room), so picked my favorite number. I stored my car keys and shoes, hung my little key on the wall, and I was all set.
The studio was new and inviting.
The room was modern, clean and smelled fresh and new. There were mirrors on the front and side of the room. The floor was carpeted and had a spongy feel to it.
Right on time, we got started.
At first, working out in front of two sets of mirrors was daunting, but I quickly got over that. It was really cool to be able to see my form and make corrections. (Normally, I have to ask Claire if my back is straight, but I have a feeling she always says, “Yes.”) Leslie was warm, welcoming, funny, and a great instructor. There were about a dozen of us in the class, and Leslie took time to come around and make little adjustments to our form, and the personal attention was great!
The actual workout was incredible.
Throughout the hour-long class, I did exercises I’ve become familiar with in other routines, and it was good to see that I’ve been doing them correctly. I even discovered that I’ve been doing some of my exercises incorrectly, so I’ve learned the proper way, now. Then, I did things I’ve never done before, and I used muscles I never knew I had.
Even as a newbie, I was able to keep up with the other people in the class.
There were modifications for some of the exercises. I took advantage of some of them, but I was able to do most of the more advanced movements. A couple of times I was confused about what we were supposed to do, but it didn’t take long to figure it out and follow along. The benefit to doing these exercises in a class setting with a real-live instructor was amazing and something I’d never experienced.
I didn’t stick out like a sort-thumb…or like someone who’d never used a ballet bar before.
Yes, it’s true. I’ve never used a ballet bar. But, you know what? I fit right in with the people who had obviously done these things before. At one point, I did have to stifle a laugh when one of my feet did not want to go the way Leslie told me to make it go, especially when my other leg was all the up on the bar, but we got it figured out. And, not once did I fall off the bar. (Wow, I have to be careful not to take that out of context, or my husband would be laughing at me again!)
They are not kidding when they say this is “the most targeted body-shaping workout.”
I left that class feeling a wonderful mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. I won’t lie: The next day was a bit stiff and sore around these parts. Which parts? All my parts, including parts I didn’t even know I had. But you know what? It was so worth it!
Whenever I have a great workout like that, it really gets my brain juices flowing.
I tell ya…if I had a part-time nanny and a bigger budget, I could take over the world. Ever since that class, I’ve been mentally calculating a way to juggle our schedules and finances so that I can get into more of these classes!
Speaking of which, I’m happy to announce a special that the Boulder studio is running: You can receive your first class FREE! You will then be eligible for a $100 30-Day unlimited New Client special, and they’ll throw in a Bar Method gift bag to any Mile High Mama who signs up!
You really need to try out The Bar Method! If you do, tell them we sent you!