Today, June 30th, marks a milestone in our family. Is it a birthday? No. Is it a wedding anniversary? No. It’s the anniversary of our first trip to the ER with Claire.
We do things big around here. I mean, if you’re gonna go, go all out.
There was blood. There were paramedics. Did I mention all the blood?
But, all’s well that ends well, and in reality, it was something that really couldn’t have been avoided. It was just a bonk on the head that happened to require stitches. Claire tripped and hit her head on a rather innocuous upholstered chair, and did so just right that it split her forehead open.
I learned some things that day:
- Wow. Head wounds can gush! Quentin Tarantino would have been impressed with the aftermath in our living room.
- I can remember all of my First Aid Training in the midst of chaos. I can remain calm under pressure. I didn’t really freak out until that night when she was in bed.
- I don’t know which would be worse, dealing with the emergency firsthand or coming up our street and seeing our house surrounded by rescue personnel. (My husband had just left when the accident happened, which is why I called 911 in the first place, and he came home before they’d left.)
- Head wounds really do bleed a lot.
Did I mention there was a lot of blood?
The way I’m talking about this, you’d think this just happened, but the big event happened in 2007…two years ago! It’s hard to believe that time is zipping by so quickly. I wrote a post last year about it, and you can check out all the gory details over there.
So, why is this so fresh in my mind now? Normally, I make note of this day and sigh a big sigh of relief that everything worked out the way it did. And then I think to myself, “Knock on wood! But, not with your head, please.”
But, this year, I’m really trying my hardest to harness my positive energy.
Why? What’s different about this year?
Well, we’re going to be dealing with some more “firsts” this week: Claire’s first ride in an airplane, and Claire’s first gig as a Flower Girl!
Yay! So, why the reminiscing about the head wound? The scar has faded, and her bangs hide any hint of it. What’s going on?
Well, Mission: Protect Her Face For Wedding Photos has officially commenced, and I swear this girl is out to give me (and her aunt, the bride!) a stroke.
Claire’s middle name is not Grace, and for good reason. She is a typical preschooler and always getting bumps and bruises, but there is nothing like being in a wedding (and photos!) that makes me want to wrap her in bubble wrap or at least make her wear a helmet.
She has not quite mastered the whole You-Need-To-Be-Looking-In-The-Direction-You’re-Walking/Running/Skipping thing. Seriously. How long does it take to learn this?
She has also taken up the practice of amateur gymnast and contemporary dancer…anywhere and everywhere. What she lacks in skill she makes up for in enthusiasm, and that’s awesome, but almost always ends with a Band-Aid® or an ice-pack.
And then, things just happen…
Just this weekend, she was helping Daddy wash his car. I was getting some much needed time alone, so I did not witness what happened. But, after about an hour, he starts yelling for the ice-pack.
Was my first question, “Is she okay?” or, “What happened?”
“Did she land on her face?” I screamed as I was running to get the ice-pack. Yes, that was my first question. I’ll be accepting my nomination for the Mother of the Year award any day; I’m just sure of it.
Luckily, she was okay, but at this rate, I’m wondering if I should find some Band-Aids that match her Flower Girl Ensemble, just to have all my bases covered.
In your expert fashion opinion, would you go with ones that match the dress or the shoes?
Amber's Crazy Bloggin' Canuck
“Grace”–I love it! Poor Claire. My kids have yet to go to the ER. Daddy on the other hand? I’ve lost count! Oh, and the dress MUST match the Band-Aid.
Band-Aids to match the dress. Your vote is so noted. 🙂
And, Amber, count yourself lucky! There is a whole new level of stress involved when dealing with the ER and a toddler. I used to tease my husband that the ER needed to give us a punch-card for HIS visits…you know, after so many visits, your next one is free! 🙂
Jenna Hallock
We’ve just concluded our second set of stitches with our 3-year-old son about a month ago. No ER trip needed, but yes, LOTS of blood.
There is something gratifying as a mother when you realize that you don’t freak out at every wound. So, good job there.
My daughter is a flower girl twice over, and I have to admit there is a degree of pressure. But just remember, they are so darn cute in those poofy dresses that few people will mind a bandage here or there (now juice spilled on the dress, that maybe is where you should be more concerned – LOL). I’m a big fan of the Nexcare clear bandages – I think they stick better than BandAids and you don’t have to worry about goofy prints matching the dress.
Good luck!
Oh no, Jenna! The second set!? What…one wasn’t enough?? 🙂
We have a HUGE collection of “band-aids” in our house. I’m allergic to the adhesive on most of them, but so far, Claire seems to have avoided that problem.
Mama Bird
Toddlers and the ER? Hopefully our first trip there with Reagan just after her 2nd birthday, pays our dues and will be our last. She tumbled down a flight of stairs in our house before Daddy could take her hand. I heard the whole thing. Every thump and tumble down 13 steps. The pause before the wailing… it still replays in my mind. Called 911 and the next thing you know, 5 hunky firemen are standing over her examining her and asking her questions. You should’ve seen her face! The turned up corners of her mouth — she was loving it! By this time she had stopped crying and everything appeared to be okay, but because of her age they recommended a trip to the ER just to be safe. They monitored her over the course of an hour and then said it was safe to go home. I don’t think we slept too well that night worried that she might not wake up just like we did when she was first born. For her though, it was a great night! She loved the firemen, the trip in the ambulance, watching videos in her room at the ER and getting to stay up past 9pm! Thankfully, there was no blood, or I think I may have needed my own room in the ER that night! My vote is for the shoes!
Mama Bird, I don’t know if you took Reagan to Children’s Hospital, but they were AWESOME. (If you’ve read the original post, I talk about them in more detail.) Just like Reagan, Claire handled the whole thing much better than the adults… 🙂
I’m so glad she’s okay!
The Shoes!
Okay, I still haven’t mastered the whole, look in the direction your walking thing and I’m uhhh, never mind how old I am…
Oh, and the shoes!
Thanks for your vote, Jessica! 😉
And, Holly…you crack me up! So, what you’re saying is there may be no hope for Claire!? Say it ain’t so! 😉
Lori in Denver
Ahhhh…enthusiasm is a double-edged sword, isn’t it?
I would have had the same reaction you did. When it comes to weddings, it IS better to look good than to feel good.