It is that time again – when I reflect upon this past year and divulge items that will be used as evidence in your future therapy sessions. It is difficult to believe you are finally four! The Terrible 3s certainly trumped the Terrible 2s but with them came an increased sense of awareness as you realized that you can indeed conquer the world.
This subsequently means Mommy and Daddy are your servants. But as I have been trying to tell you since birth: I do not run a democracy; the Johnson household is a dictatorship through and through.
Without question, you are the ruler.
You have a bright, spirited personality and keep us laughing every single day. You are beloved by your preschool teachers and would have had an incident-free year if you had not tackled your classmate Cooper a few weeks ago, who in defence hit you with bread. This was your first look at how carbs can be dangerous.
You are an intrepid hiker and love spending time in the back-country. You are well-traveled and visited three countries last year. Hands down, your favorite destination was Mexico where you learned to swim underwater and ate ice cream every day. You often remind me to stop spending all my money at Super Target because in your mind, my obsession with the Dollar Spot is the only thing standing in the way of you and Mexico’s endless ice cream.
[photopress:Haddieshowshoe.jpg,full,pp_image]This was a year of firsts. You went skiing, snowshoeing, roller-skating and ice skating for the first time and you loved them all. You brazenly gave your first talk in church and also refused help saying a prayer in front of all your peers. As you pleaded with the evil people in the world not to litter, you also divulged all our family secrets from the pulpit (you know: the ones that are supposed to be reserved for nighttime prayers).You are the eternal optimist. When daddy was fired from his job earlier this year, you prophetically said he would find an even better job – one where they did not throw fire at people. You still think it is shocking that he ever had to work in such conditions.
Hands down, the big struggle this year was potty training. Your greatest attributes are your sheer will and stubbornness. Unfortunately, they will bring about Mommy and Daddy’s downfall. Rest assured, I will share your potty-training horrors on your wedding day, hoping for the same collective gasp I received from The Children’s Hospital “Oh Poo” seminar attendees when I shared your exploits. Because mommies never forget.
[photopress:Haddieparty.jpg,full,pp_image]You still can’t count to 20 but are the head of the class in preschool with your letters and words. I blame your father that you are math-challenged. One of the greatest accomplishments in his life was begging his guidance counselor to waive the math credit so he could graduate from college. I am eternally grateful for this person because 15 years later, Daddy would still be in school trying to pass math.And this is the man in charge of our finances. Pray for us, Hadley.
Well, just make sure not to disclose our sordid secrets such as when daddy mumbles about pumpkin porn in his sleep.
Your Humble Servant Mommy
Karen Jones
Happy birthday to the hurricane! I love the summary and the pictures are great. What a doll!
Happy birthday hurricane Hadley! I always look forward to the “hurricane” posts from your mom – I’m sure there will be many more adventures as a 4 year old!
Happy Birthday, Hadley! You’re a spit-fire kid with a sweet little heart. Hope you had a fabulous birthday!
She is so adorable! What a sweet heart. I hope she has a wonderful birthday.
Loved this post!
what a firecracker- maybe we could line her up with my 3 year old? seriously these littel personailities are a riot- not what you always expect when you sign up for motherhood!
Never a dull moment – in hurricanes or thunderstorms!!!!
Stay strong – she will be 16 soon.
Happy Birthday Hadley!
Happy Birthday to the effervescent Hadley! Coincidentally with regards to the whole potty training thing? Emma interrupted my commenting to tell me she’d peed herself. Again. ~sigh~ Stubborness is one attribute our daughters definitely share.
What a great birthday tribute. Happy Birthday Hadley! The stories and pictures will be wonderful all your life, I predict.
Happy Birthday Hadley!! Cute letter!
And cute pictures!
Guinevere Meadow
I just love the posts you write on your kid’s birthdays!
You should print them out and save them.
Oh, as far as the magnetic poetry– sometimes your dishwasher is magnetic! I discovered that quite by accident. Or you can buy magnetic whiteboards. All of them can be fun!
Gina (mannyed)
Happy Birthday, Hurricane! You are turning out to be such an awesome young lady! I’ve enjoyed reading all about your exploits – you are way entertaining!
Happy happy birthday Hadley!!
kelly from MyOriginalSelf
What a beautiful (and funny) tribute on her birthday! I tried to write something similar when my daughter turned 4 on Saturday, but I kept getting all teary and couldn’t see the screen, so I kept it short and will let her read my journal someday about how this past year REALLY was. 🙂 Happy Birthday, Hadley!
Four already?! How did that happen?
She’s an amazing girl and will someday rule the world!
We just joined Milehighmamas, but wanted to wish your sweet girl Happy Birthday too!
What a wonderful post!
Dude. Wasn’t she just two???????
hooray! happy birthday hadley!
Amber Johnson
Thanks for all the birthday well wishes! Though do I want to print it out? You know, for further evidence against me…. 🙂
hyperactive lu
Wonderful post for your little girl! Wow! 4! Happy Birthday to your little hurricane!
Shannon (Cole Mine)
Happy Birthday Hurricane! I love how you say 3 is the year of “firsts”. That is so true and we are living it now in all it’s joy and “terribleness”. Cheers to another year filled with new experiences and lots of love!
What a delightful birthday tribute! She is still so freaking cute!
I would love to have you add me to your blogroll.
Also, I just barely started blogging. I didn’t even know it existed until a friend in my ward told me about it! Crazy..
Richelle F
What a cutie! I love the prayers kids give in Primary about their great Aunts to get better and other “family” stuff. Too funny. Happy Birthday to her!
Oh Amber – you are way too funny!! Happy Birthday Hadley! You are a very precious and loved little girl. How I wish that I could truly meet you in person to see what a wonderful little girl you really are. Plus, it would certainly be entertaining to watch you run my son ragged as I swear that he is Mother Hen in disguise. Perhaps you could come up and play at his 4th birthday come the fall?
Such a cutie! Happy Birthday Hurricane! You have had a pretty great year with her! I envy her adventurous spirit. My kids are usually pretty faint hearted about most things.
Hopefully this next year will be just as fun!
happy birthday hadley!
give your mom a break every once in a while. she, as a dutiful servant, deserves it =)
What a fun way to record this past year.
Happy 4th Birthday, Hadley. I think she will grow up with little or no fear.
I loved reading your hilarious summary of Hadley’s year. Happy Bday to her.
Happy Belated Birthday Hadley!
Is the 27th really her birthday?
My Claire’s birthday is the 27th of May too.
She turned 9!
Don’t blink…it will happen to you too.
I love this sweet (and hilarious) tribute to her…what a lucky little girl!
Amber Johnson