I even resisted the treats I had at my booth. Before you congratulate me on this exhorbant display of will power, I must confess that I stocked it with food that I hate.
Because I have that much faith in my ability to resist temptation. 🙂
In the Boot Camp Biggest Loser Club on Wednesday, I had an epiphany of why my week was so tough: I just passed the one-month mark and for whatever reason or another, I blow every diet I have ever been on at this time.
Well, most are blown loooong before that but rest assured if I make it to five weeks, I start “rewarding” myself for job well done. Only instead of a pat on the back, I start consuming foods that will pad my butt.
But without further ado, my weekly weigh loss was 2 pounds. My five-week total weight loss is 13 pounds with a loss of 4% body fat since I began.
To look at the numbers, I know I am on track with where I need to be and I need to stop beating myself up every time I stray. As Life Coach Robyn says, “You made your choice. There is no reason to be consumed by guilt about it. Just make the adjustments you need and keep going.”
And she’s right. I was trucking along just fine last week until I went to a party at every parent’s hell kid’s paradise: Mr. Chuck E. Cheese. I started strong, really I did. I went out of my way to order the salad bar. But then all those gloriously greasy pizzas’ delicious scent kept wafting toward me like the forbidden fruit.
And I did partake.
I blame the serpent mouse.
So, now my question: what keeps you going when you want to slack off? How do you make this into a marathon vs. a sprint?!
The longer I go without cheating, the easier it gets. The first few weeks are so hard, while I am still adjusting to not snacking btw meals, but after a while, I get used to it. It really is mind over matter…it’s not as if my body needs the junk I fill it with.
At the moment, I’m going through a very long decadent period (frankly since we went to Europe), but I’m going to have to get myself back in shape soon, and then I’ll be looking to YOU for inspiration. Five weeks is awesome, Amber. 13 pounds – wow! Keep up the good work.
That’s great, amber, 13 pounds is amazing. For me it’s all about accountability. If I have to be accountable to someone (other than me) it helps. Like you, I often reward myself for a job well done with food–dumb, isn’t it.
I’ll be waiting to see how you do next Friday.
You do what she said…you just keep going. We all make mistakes and it takes REAL time. The fact that you have lost 13 pounds in 5 weeks just blows my mind. Blows My Mind! It took me 9 months to lose 40 pounds –if you do the math, that means I only lost 4.2 pounds a month (give or take). What you are doing is insane! (good, but insane. 🙂 ). So, no worries, girl! You are fabulous.
Oh, and the other way to keep going? You have to completely change the way you think about food –forever. There is no quick fix, despite the hype. But it is possible, so just keep going!
Hooray for Amber!
I am the wrong one to ask. I started a diet yesterday – really, I did, with a family-bred Biggest Loser contest of who can loose the most % of body weight by the nephews wedding – and by the end of the day I had to remind myself that I was dieting.
I have no will power. And I eat food that shall not be mentioned because it is tasty, fried, and has powdered sugar and I know that is hard for you.
Power on friends. Lose a pound for me, because we are friends! And why do I have the feeling you are one of those skinny girls who lament being fat but who haven’t been seen my nudie mirror fests – Thank Goodness! Good luck!
That’s my goal – 40 pounds. And you’re correct, it is a lifestyle change. Robyn gets hounding on me not to think of it as a diet.
And I’ve never been one of those skinny girls. I’ve always loved to eat but moderated my intake by being an obsessive exerciser. That doesn’t work as well when you’re pregnant and hence all the weight I gained with each of them!
Honestly, I find it difficult to stay motivated, which is why it is great you have found Robyn. Got any of those in Grand Junction?!
Oh, and great job on the weight loss, even with Chuck E.
Richelle F
That is great you lost 2 pounds, even with the evil mouse! 🙂
Motivation? Get a friend to exercise with you. I think the longest I exercised was when I went 3 times a week with a friend. But then I went on vacation for a couple weeks and then it was all over. My motivation right now is that we are paying for a YMCA membership, so we need to get our money’s worth. 🙂
Um. I don’t. I am not good at staying on track at all during the school year when I’m teaching. When I’m off for the summer I do ok. Summer is almost here, and the worst part is that first week when your muscles remind you that you’ve been neglecting them.
My biggest downfall when dieting is when I “cheat” and then I continue to think, well I did it yesterday… so what is one more thing. When I am on a full diet, exercise program (much like your boot camp), it has to be all or nothing. When I’m bad, I’m bad and when I’m good, I’m good. I wish I could sneak a piece of pizza, but then continue on.
If I did that.. I would be in the mindset… well I cheated at lunch, so I’ll cheat at dinner… so I’ll cheat…. ugh.
You’re good, like really good! Great job!!
That blasted mouse!! 😉
Shannon (Cole Mine)
First of all – I admire your dedication and strength in boot camping. Nice work.
Secondly, we need a boot camp here in Colorado Springs so I can join.
About cheating, it’s inevitable, but to stay strong, I imagine myself running into my ex – passing along a casual hello while looking (and more importantly feeling) fabulous.
Check out my post about that evil Chuck:
A friend of mine is doing the same camp and she says she has never felt better. Such testimonials should get the rest of us off out butts!!
And darn that house, too! You would’ve lost at least 3 pounds if it wasn’t for him!
Chuck E. Cheese needs to be sacrificed at the altar you made to the diet gods.
I’ll bring the ceremonial dagger and some tasty, low-fat snacks for our after-sacrifice social.
Lisa Benson
Amber, I always knew you were a big loser. Great job!
I am SO proud of you for your hard work, and determination! I am so so proud of you! I, too, had a lot of challenges with food this week. I gave in to some of them, but I lost 1.4. I am down 21.6, and still have 12.4 more to go! We can do it!
Good luck this week!
I always keep an older pair of pants in my closet, that are now too small to wear, within eye sight. My desire to fit back into those old jeans is stronger than my desire to eat sweets, etc. Keep at it, you’ll get there!
Robyn Morrisette
Amber’s boot camp instructor and Biggest Loser Club coach here – Amber is continuing to be a rock star with her workouts and with her nutrition. You should SEE her attack a punching bag !!!!! Kari – who is your friend that also is in boot camp?
I’m a little behind the times…I missed this post last Friday! I really agree with everyone else – it’s about changing your lifestyle and relationship with food. It’s an ongoing battle for me! And for some reason, during both of my pregnancies – I threw it all out the window and gained 50 lbs! 10 months later, I still want to lost 15-20 lbs more.
You are doing a fantastic job Amber! And I’m motivated to keep at it by reading your posts! You are my motivation! 🙂