About Us | Mama Bloggers
Mile High Mamas was created as an entertaining community resource for Colorado moms. The site includes regular posts by some of Colorado’s most popular mommy bloggers, events, family travel, activities, regular contests, restaurant picks and product reviews. If you would like to have one of your products featured for a contest or review, please contact us for consideration.
Mile High Mamas strives to use the very latest social networking tools and we want to keep you on the cutting edge. We can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for fun updates and freebies.
Mile High Mamas sends out an email newsletter detailing Colorado’s hottest topics, events and deals for Colorado moms. Don’t miss out so be sure to sign-up here. Do you have an event you would like to publicize? You will soon be able to submit your events to our calendar for consideration.
We also have a weekly Denver Deal. Money-saving mama Gretchen Yetzbacher rounds up the very best bargains, coupons, sales, frugal tips and freebies specifically with Colorado moms in mind. If you know of any great deals, please email her at gretchen_yoder at yahoo dot com.
The site is moderated by the Editor, Amber Johnson. Every month, Mile High Mamas publishes blog posts from mom guest bloggers. To submit a blog post to be considered for publication, please email Amber at TheMileHighMamas [at] gmail [dot] com. If you are a business, please contact us on our advertising page about our affordable sponsored post rates.
Mile High Mamas was the Community Blogger winner of the 2013 DFMie award in recognition of journalistic excellence from The Denver Post’s parent company, Digital First Media. We were a finalist in the National Newspaper Association’s Digital Edge Awards (“The Edgies”) and received an Honorable Mention for Web Site Excellence from the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ).
Remember above all else, this site is about you and for you as a mother. The participants determine its tone and direction. We encourage you to log on and help us make Mile High Mamas Colorado’s most enlightening, supportive and entertaining parenting website.
Disclosure: While Mile High Mamas’ bloggers often receive free or discounted products, they are not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. In accordance to FCC regulations, we disclose such relationships.
Mama Bloggers
Mile High Mamas is the brainchild of Amber, a former adventure-travel writer turned adventurous unraveling mother of two children. She attests the former birth was considerably less painful than the latter two, epidurals notwithstanding.
She is originally from Canada but spent a number of years working as a publicist for Utah’s ski and outdoor industry whilst moonlighting as a radio personality and travel writer. She relinquished her wanderlust life to marry the real love of her life sixteen years ago.
She and her husband Jamie are outdoor aficionados and share this passion with their two children, Hadley (age 15) and Bode (age 13). Amber’s self-deprecating humor is her coping mechanism for the daily joys and mayhem of motherhood and is what has kept her sane. Well, most of the time. She consoles herself that all other lapses make for stellar blog fodder. And the fact she is married to a man who is obsessed with growing The Great Pumpkin.
Amber was a columnist for The Denver Post’s $MART section and was named the Grand Prize Winner in Microsoft Office’s Winter Games Contest and was their accredited blogger at the 2010 Vancouver Games. She works as a social media strategist at Pixo Web Design & Strategy and has been named as a Brand Enthusiast for companies such as SC Johnson, Disney Social Media Moms, Sara Lee, Nintendo, Skype and Playtex and is a frequent spokesperson for brands on Denver-area news stations. She has been blogging since 2005 and was honored in Westword magazine’s Best of Denver edition.
Amber has been the recipient of numerous awards including 1st Place Online General Excellence for the Colorado Associated Press Editors and Reporters Association; Finalist in the National Newspaper Association’s Digital Edge Awards; Honorable Mention for General Website Excellence, Society of Professional Journalists. She is a family travel writer and a regular contributor for various publications and travel sites. Twitter ID: @LifeElevatedMom
Read Amber’s blog posts | E-mail Amber
Gretchen was born in Denver in the early 1970s. Her first six years were spent in the suburbs, out in the middle of nowhere near Hampden and I-25. She thought the center of the universe was the big fountain at Cinderella City and that Mayor McNichols and Mayor McCheese were brothers.
Then her father got news. His job was being transferred to a place with no mall. No escalators. No fountains. No Elitches. Quite rudely she was taken from Denver to the remote desert and peach-dotted landscape of Grand Junction. It was a good thing, ultimately. She learned to love the astounding natural beauty of our state. She realized if she couldn’t be entertained by the offerings of a big city, she’d have to entertain herself. So she began to read and write and plot ways to escape. After high school graduation, she joined the tie-dyed masses at CU-Boulder, promising her friends back home she’d never, ever change. But she did.
After three years of classes like Ancient Athletics, she returned home to Grand Junction where she got a job slinging burritos and beer at a local favorite hangout. Not content to forever ask “red or green chili?” she enrolled at Mesa State College, where she met her future husband, Lee. They each earned a BA in English Literature. Shortly after graduation, they married and settled into a quiet life in the Grand Valley. Their first daughter, Aidan, was born in 1997. Their second child, a boy named Ryley, came along a mere 18 months later. Job prospects for English majors weren’t abundant in the Grand Valley, so they decided to move back to the Denver metro area in mid-1999.
Several more kids have joined the family since returning to the Front Range. Life with nine kids is never quiet, so she began blogging in 2004 as a way to record and reflect on the whirlwind. Instagram ID: lifenut
Gretchen is a single mama. She grew up right here in Denver area (with a short stint as a youngster in Steamboat Springs). Gretchen is always busy and loves to be “on the go” deals are an important part of making sure that she can do so much! Her son and daughter also enjoy the benefits of all the deals the Gretchen finds.
Gretchen loves to be outdoors, hiking, biking or just playing a friendly game of wiffle ball with her son – he somehow usually wins. She is addicted to coupons and finding the best deals or entering sweepstakes (one day she will win something really great).
Gretchen is excited about contributing to Mile High Mamas’ Daily Deal and looks forward to hearing about great deals from readers.
Read the Daily Deal posts | E-mail Gretchen
Julie is a mama of three who contributes over 75 travel stories per year to various outlets including: AAA, USA Today’s 10Best, Cowboys & Indians, Family Vacation Critic, Aspen Magazine, The Broadmoor, Mile High Mamas, Colorado Parent, Mountain Magazine and many more.
She is the State’s #1 agritourism writer, covering more ground and events and publishing in more outlets than any other Coloradan journalist. Julie travels in search of fields, farms, families and more. Sometimes . . . she finds herself in often uncovered, or understated locales, which has since become her niche. Visit her through her social media handles under Slow and Go Traveler.
Photo credit: Pin-up photography by Iman Woods. Sarah D. (make-up) and Dawn Capra-Grace (hair).